The Clan Campbell Society in Australia has Genealogists located in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.
The Genealogists have several reference books and resource material which contain the genealogies of Campbell related families in Australia and overseas as well as an extensive data base of Campbells and those with Campbell ancestry in Australia and their overseas country or place of origin.

Major family lines in Australia include the the well known Campbells of Duntroon and the Campbells of Lochend, but there are many other large family groups who descend from the Scottish families displaced by the Highland Clearances. Many families came to Australia under sponsored immigration schemes by the ‘Government’ and the later ‘Colonial’ bounty systems as well as those sponsored by private individuals such as the Rev John Dunmore Lang,
Basic genealogical research is free to Clan Campbell members, however as the Clan Campbell Society is a non profit society, any charges associated with further research will be passed on.
Searches for non members of the Society can be undertaken for a fee. This is payable up front and will be assessed at the initial time of enquiry.
For more information, contact the National Secretary
Margaret Vallance Email: libertyv93(at)